I'm Lisa,

star leader with young living

Yes, I am ready to purchase and start my order!

Most days you can find me hanging out with my 2 kiddos, husband and our 2 dogs. We love spending time outdoors soaking up the Colorado sun and mountain air! I love to play golf and fit movie quotes into most conversations.  We love our oils and use them every day! The Starter Kit was what got us hooked 4 years ago and I haven't stopped talking about these little bottles since!

I love sharing with my friends and family about natural ways to help them in their every day lives.

I'm happy that you are hear and am excited to help you get started on your oily journey!

Hey There!

good choice...party on

Just a few short years ago, I wouldn't have been able to tell you about the toxins in literally everything Americans are consuming, slathering and inhaling. But today, I can tell you a little. There are definitely a million people who know more than I do but NO ONE who will teach you from right where you are today FUNLY. Know more than me already? YASSSS. Teach me what you know! I'll teach you what I know and we will have a great time doing all of it. I am particularly great at teaching you about natural living, making you laugh AND definitely REAL GOOD at helping you create abundance from what you learn. Sound fun? 

thieves household cleaner

deep relief roll on

valor essential oil

peace & calming essential oil

favorite products

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My current favorite recipes

5 drops Lime 2-3 drops Peppermint
Diffuse for an uplifting scent

mojito diffuser blend

8 oz cream cheese (softened) 1 cup brown sugar 3-7 drops Citrus oil (I like Citrus Fresh Vitality, Lemon Vitality or Orange Vitality for this recipe)
Combine cream cheese and brown sugar with mixer until combined. Add  vitality essential oil (start with 3 drops and add more to taste). Chill for 1 hour. Serve with fruit slices (apples, strawberries, grapes)


fruit dip

Bentonite clay Apple cider vinegar 2 drops lavender essential oil 2 drops tea tree essential oil
Mix clay with equal parts apple cider vinegar and water until it reaches your desired consistency*. Add oils and apply to face with mask brush (I use an old foundation brush) Let dry and rinse with warm water.

*do not use a metal container or utensil to mix when using Bentonite clay

face mask

1/8 C. Cornstarch 1/8 C. Cocoa powder (if you have darker hair) 1/8 C. cinnamon (optional) 2 drops Rosemary essential oil 2 drops Lavender essential oil
Mix all ingredients in a wide mouth mason/ball jar with lid. Apply to roots using a blush brush. Rub in til you can't see the powder.

*I apply at night before bed to let the powder soak in longer

dry shampoo

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